10 Responses to “Sacred Clowns. McQueen’s Ariadne and Bacchus Armor”

  1. 1 TitHungHigh

    Absolutely beautiful post. Somewhere up above, beneath and around you, McQueen and your Pops are waltzing, trousers planted firmly ’round their ankles…

  2. Dear THH, Thank you!!! One of their very favorite songs to waltz to is “Very, Very Coot” which I know is one of your compositions. All the best, Hajib’s Mom

  3. 3 antoinette geldun

    jadedressler, who are you?
    why does the world not see this brilliant site
    your incredible mind?
    your shining light………..

    how did I find you?
    dancing with my gemini bacchus
    dressed only in a black coat
    wearing red high heels,
    who hides, retreats, withdraws,

    He led me to you
    I am madly in love with your mind
    (I thought you were a man)

    But, alas, I am Baba Yaga
    elated to have been touched
    by someone like you

    • hi Antoinette, thank you for your poem and thoughts. May I say how much I love the image you made in your poem? It is precisely the spirit from which I hear and write and often does feel like a laughing dancing partner. Sorry I am not in a man form these days, this life. But surely if you are prancing around in such a black coat and red heels in love with life…some man will smell and find you!;-)

  4. 5 Shodo

    Thank you so much for this! It affirms and focuses changes I am just starting to make in my life. May the Heyoka’s laughter never be far from you and may Lusios and his lovely wife guide you through the labyrinth. If you haven’t read it already, might I recommend, Trickster Makes this World by Lewis Hyde?

    • Thank you Shodo! You’ve made my day,(and added to my own Heyoka status;-) Thx for the book recco. Stay in touch and let me know how things go!

  5. Wow— thank you Jade. just suddenly finding this EXTRAORDINARY prose- essay- poem- journalism– thank you. I am embarking on a journey which led me directly here. Not knowing- but trusting the Trickster will be the guide.

    • Rachel. Done. Reciprocal. I am embarking on following what you do and would love to have a coffee or sit in a field and TALK. Art and Urban Agriculture are 2 of my greatest LOVES. Thank you for finding this!

  1. 1 Innocence, Dancing, Racing + The Law of Crow « iti phone home
  2. 2 Sacred Clowns. McQueen’s Ariadne and Bacchus Armor « The House of Vines