Posts Tagged ‘jade dressler’

Wave hello to the futurists! Peeking and pecking at new worlds sprouting up this past spring, we happily feather-rubbed with the masses, descending upon all the future-peeping creatives as they unfurled their feathers at showy events. First, cameras and tweets preened on about dresses or lack thereof flaunted on the red carpets of all the […]

“All these dreams are yours as well and the only distinction between me and you is that I can articulate them.” Werner Herzog, director Articulating dreams and emotion is the driving task of any artist, (or any creative being) from kids to world leaders to directors of film to interior designers. Can art really save […]

what and why: heaps o’ gratitude. here rests our best of 2014! who are we? branders * creative directors * curators * coaches * designers * stylists *  slow luxuriates * social media + pr’ists * visionaries. plus who and who: all year we work with excellent, dynamic clients in our areas of passion: art, […]

In the rush of our lives, at the cusp of Winter’s deepening of our core strengths and dreams… …I LOVE that NOW we must GATHER. Gather to light up, primp, anoint, tidy’up, re-imagine our spaces, make time for tete-a-tetes AND support those in need of healing through our good graces and good will. On one […]

NYC Fall 2014. At every autumn, orange sunset in Manhattan, Central Park trees float their last yellowy orange leaves down, and a leafy shag carpet begins to rise, ready for tomorrow’s millions of feet pestles to mortar into the pavement. Perhaps every Fall, this city-infused herbal potion prepares us for some wintry healing magic for […]