Winter Transformed. Trend #1 STAR LOVE



Wintry mix in #‎NYC‬ this week…we are finding our own mix + warmth as usual in fluff from flashy awards + fashion shows, and snarky media, to nature and the esoteric.

We’ve spotted 9 trends, c’mon follow our series for instant transformation of the deep chill,

*from group sleepovers at the home of a dominatrix to astonishing tinder surveys to star-shaped snowflakes*

#1  star love is everywhere!

Star Snowflakes have been gifted! Thank God I am not crazy! I saw the wee ‪#‎Star‬ ‪#‎Snowflakes‬ above one morning and I was astonished. I’ve never seen these in my whole life. I took them for something akin to the plasticine soy patties faking life as hamburgers. I had paranoid thoughts as if this was a fake NASA seeded ‪#‎snow‬ storm, or help! maybe these were drones peopled by microscopic, galactic Air b-n-b’ers.

Of course there’s a reason! Of course, Gothamist trolled Twitter and probed galactic science for a tidy explanation of the perfect white stars. 

The London Police purple

Meanwhile, galaxy-risings in range of my laser beam from street muralists, The London Police (as above) to (as below) gold street walking jackets and sneakers added to snowy, starry, icicle fringy whites in Paris to…


Valentino’s runway where gamine Princess Leia’s appeared in constellation patterns, a beckoning of Katy Perry and Beyonce…


 …as both emerged as the next worship-worthy space bride gal at the Grammy Awards. STAR-LOVE is everywhere!


Do you believe in communication from the stars? Well, in the midst of writing this post (and creating this illustration below) I did. One night in the snowy countryside, cuddled in bed, the clearest star beamed into the window. Then, back in the city one early evening, the biggest, brightest star, (Venus?) radiated so clearly in the dusky sky as I have never seen it, same window, same curtain closing for almost fifteen years. Astonishing, like snow stars.


And my drawing above, was half-completed, when suddenly, after my STAR LOVE communiques, I found the perfect snowy, starry sky image to carry it. If this is a trend, I am more than happy to dance with the stars, for real!

TREND SPOTTINGS: Galactica reigns from everyone, everywhere now knowing to fear/love The Mercury Retrograde to the new ‘TV’ show from Susan Miller’s Astrologyzone to the first ever, upcoming NYC Drone Film Festival, from my friend, founder, Randy Scott Slavin. Randy is joined by my star-producer pal, Kim Jackson, STAR-LOVER from way-back, known to read light books like Treatise on Cosmic Fire, from theosophist-to-the-stars, Alice A. Bailey while sunning on the beach. (We were communicating with Tibetans that #TBT way before the Dalai Lama,Ye-ah Transformed!)

GET THE STARS: Get spacey with star-galloping babes and creatures in art from Corey Helford Gallery and get tons of ideas for spacey gowns and gear at The Numinous, home for mystical gals in the material world.

Or just go outside, look up and commune. XOXO LOVE.

(and yep, group sleepovers at the home of a dominatrix was a teaser,
you’ll just have to read the next 8 in the series!)



Snow Star Art by Jade Dressler, all other images happily credited.