Archive for the ‘ARCHITECTURE’ Category

“Growth for the sake of growth is the philosophy of the cancer cell.” – Edward Abbey “Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.” – the late eminent economist Kenneth Boulding. “When Saquasohuh, the Blue Star Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask before the unintiated, […]

On hot summer weekend family car trips, my sister and I were boxed, strapped in and propped up like child dolls on the pearlized olive green, poly-damask hinterlands, Grand Canyonesque landscape aka the backseat of the family Cadillac Eldorado, as its cushioned mass thrust fast forward, gliding at 70 plus miles per hour on the […]

When I was about 6 my mother gave me a book called “Somebody Came.” Supposedly a gift from my Grandfather, who had passed away 4 years prior, I took it like a gift from beyond, as it was a lushly illustrated story of a little girl and her Grandfather, the keeper of a bright green […]

FACE-IT. Everyone is Tired. Stressed. Imperfect. Where is the new news? It’s Spring. If John and Yoko can wake up wide-eyed, prop themselves up in bed and announce a Love-In…so can you. Note to The Spring in You…I rarely roll out my laundry list but in the mode of celebrating it vs.complaining….my typical day’s schedule […]

I did my third-grade grade book report on the I Ching. There I was tossing yarrow sticks for the children to access the esoteric but eminently practical ancient oracle from China, based on the same binary code pattern that computers run on. The I Ching is the Matrix of alignment with the seasons, the stars […]