Archive for the ‘ART’ Category

In the beginning there was Light. For heaven’s sake, what are you going to do Next? Now? I know, such a loaded question. Would that it was on repeat, and our answer a brilliant birth of light in every Now moment. Here’s my simple ART/LIFE/LOVE theory: Deep Space is infinite black and our lives lust […]

9.30.2014 New York City (some of my) 1 Million LOVE Smiles Yesterday: Morning: A fruit vendor passes a free apple to a very old man; I discover a small shop door leading to a big screen of the biggest Bollywood fake + fantastical jewels E-ver; a happy dwarf woman on a park bench, seen from […]

Well, Hello Profundity! Hello Spring! Yo Fertility! Goodbye Ice Cave Winter 2014. You who were blue, fierce, frigid, froze-my-fruits and droned-on way too freaking long. Like buggy metamorph-ed Gregors, you had us on our backs squirming like useless downed drones.  We all know we have to make peace with what was before release into new pleasures. […]

“People have laughed at me over the years, but the same people are now hanging pictures from sashes and bows, and using chintzes like there’s no tomorrow.” Mario Buatta, Interior Designer, circa 1980’s “All this digital is driving me crazy more into my sensual selfie!” Jade Dressler, circa launching and laughing into 2014 I hear you […]

We are feeling ecstatic and trippy to have worked with so many stellar (and really sweet) people, places and things this year in art, design, fashion, interiors, music and wellness.  End of the year and we are a bit about shouting it out given the thrilling year it was. Trust us (and stay with us), […]