Posts Tagged ‘Emmanuel Rengade’
“Growth for the sake of growth is the philosophy of the cancer cell.” – Edward Abbey “Anyone who believes exponential growth can go on forever in a finite world is either a madman or an economist.” – the late eminent economist Kenneth Boulding. “When Saquasohuh, the Blue Star Kachina dances in the plaza and removes his mask before the unintiated, […]
Tags: #artdesignbrazil, Alexandre Herchcovitch, Amory Lovins, Anywheredoor, Blue Star Kachina, bookstore sao paulo, BOOMSPDESIGN, Bucky Fuller, by kamy, Campana Brothers, CAt, CAt Architects, Chad Oppenheim, Coletivo Amor de Madre, Corbusier 5 points, Corbusier in Brazil, Cristallo, Cristallo coffee, D&D Decoracao & Design Center, Dror, Edward Abbey, Ekel, Emmanuel Rengade, Esther Schattan, Etel, Fazenda Catucaba, feral houses, Fernando & Humberto Campana, Fernando Amorosolo, Friendswithyou, Glauco Diogenes, Green Galactic, Green Provocateur, Guilherme Torres, Hopi Prophecy, Isay Weinfeld, Jaboticaba, jade dressler, Jardim Europa, Kazuhiro Kojima and Kazuko Akamatsu, Kenneth Boulding, le Corbusier, Livraria da Vila, Lynn Tejada, Marche, Marcio Kogan, Mariana Amaral Comunicacao, Mattali Crasset, Metropolis magazine, Moqueca fish stew, Negawatt power, new technology, Niemeyer, non architecture, not architecture, Nurai, open school desing, Ornare, Pasha, Paul Clemence, Petra, Phuong Cac Nguyen, PicinGuaba, post Steve Jobs, Robert Landon, Rudolf Steiner, Samuel Borkson and Arturo Sandoval lll, Sao Paula design, Sao Paulo, Sao paulo architecture, Sao Paulo art, school design, The Farm Store, Total Sao Paulo, Viking, Wadi Run, Zachary Aders, Zoe Melo
January can be beyond dreary in New York City with relentless days of grey. We went to Paris to renew, recycle and find some hot trends. BIGGEST TREND? CYCLE AND RECYCLE! Parisians do eco-friendly, in total style of course, from original recycled clothing couched in a tribal art movement to making a simple bike into a […]
Filed under: FASHION, PARIS, PARIS Restaurants, PARIS Style, STYLE | Closed
Tags: andrea crews, Artivi, bastille, bike, bikes in the city, Bill Cunningham bike, brazil retreat, Cara Scouten, claude serieux, Colette, costes paris, Doug Booher, Emmanuel Rengade, famous Petit bateau kids, Helen MacIssac, Hotel Coste music, hotel coste paris, Hotel costes, hotel du nord, jade dressler, January in NYC, January in Paris, Kamel Lahmadi, Kanye, Katie Holmes Petit Bateau, le pure cafe, lenny kravitz, Lenny Kravitz Design, Lenny Kravitz design crew, lenny kravitz tattoos, Lou Doillon, LOVERS, Malissa Stawicki, Matthew David, Michael Musto, Oz Productions, PARIS, Paris bikes, Paris January, Paris lounge, PARIS Restaurants, Patricia Nagy, petit bateau, Petit Bateau enfant, Petit Bateau for women, Petit Bateau kids, Philippe Mikhailovich, philosophe, Picin Guaba, Plant, Plant Agency, Pontani sisters, public image, Public Image PR, recycled clothes, samy chalon, Simon Heeger, Stephane and Livio, style in the city,, Suri, Suri Cruise, Suri in Paris, The Gotan Project, the lovers, Trish Nagy, trish nagy elle magazine, where to eat in Paris