Posts Tagged ‘FIT Toledo’
New York City on the make is a churning pot of all kinds of Mob-Stars and Fame Gamers. The best New York stories happen every minute… when fortune smiles in chance meetings, in a flash hard work for years is rewarded, creative collabs are formed or the hand of Fate puts one suddenly on the […]
Filed under: ART, FASHION, LIVES, NEW YORK | 1 Comment
Tags: Amy Rosi, Andre leon Talley, Carmela Spinelli, cator sparks, Chastity Bono, David Blond, Dr. Valerie Steele, Eric Hagmueller, famous dress, famous NYC designers, fashion exhibit new york city, Fashion From The Inside Out, FIT exhibit Isabel Toledo, FIT fashion exhibit, FIT NYC Michelle Obama, FIT Toledo, Isabel and Ruben Toledo, Isabel and Ruben Toledo's home, Isabel Toledo, jade dressler, Joey Arias, Kim Hastrieter, Little Marvin, Lori Sutherland, making it in New York City, Michelle and Barack, Michelle and Barack fashion, Michelle Obama dress designer, Michelle Obama dress exhibit, Michelle Obama fashion, Michelle Obama inauguration dress, Michelle's famous dress, Michelle's green dress, Natalie Portman, NYC Opera Divas Shop for Opera, Patricia Mears, Patrick McDonald, Phiippe Blond, red neck dress, Ruben Toledo, Ruben Toledo drawings, Simon Doonan, Speidi, Spydee, WSJ