Posts Tagged ‘Greg Melvin’
I can trace 99% of any feminine anxiety and PMS I have ever felt to the first day of nursery school at the Jewish Community Center, when shown my cubby hole for storage with my name on it and a bright red, blazin’ firetruck as its emblem. My first ever “WTF” coursed through my tiny […]
Filed under: MEN, NEW YORK | 6 Comments
Tags: 7 Lion, Abraham Tekya, Abramz, Abramz Tekya, aMAZElab,, Andreas von Scheele, Art, art in NYC, babalu Miami, banksy, best boy friends, best camera for a safari, Bouncing Cats, boy symbols for girls, boy toys, Breakdance Project Uganda, Burberry, Collin Abraham, Common, Cone Denim, contemporary art in NYC, Crazy Legs, Debut, Dirk Digler, Dr Guny Gabriel, Ellen Lubin-Sherman, Essentials of Fabulous, flowers for Beyonce, Gallery Nine 5, Gold & Wood sunglasses, Goldfinger, Green Galactic, Green Provocateur, Greg Melvin, Hussein Chalayan, I.M Pei's Lombardy Region Building, im.material, jade dressler, Jason Campbell, Jay Z and Beyonce wedding, jc report, Joey Falsetta, John Legend, JOhn Paul Gaultier, Josh Simpson, K-Swiss, Kelly Abraham, LEGEND at Shangri-La, Lisa Weiss, Little Marvin, Loeffer Randall, Lynn Tejada, Mandy Groff, Melissa shoes, men and their toys, Metaproject, Milan green, Milan's 2015 Universal Exhibition, Mos Def, Nabil Elderkin, NYC men, Obama inauguration flowers, Paolo Ambu, Patrick Simeon, Paul Clemence, Platinum Salons, PollenNation, Red Bull, red string bracelets, Rock Steady Crew, Salviati, Sebastien Pellitier, Seven New York, Shangri-La in Brooklyn, Shangri-la Studio, Six Scents, Spike lee, ssey Mikaye, street art in NYC, Symrise, T magazine, talismans, TD bank pens, The Fighter, Valentino, Valerie MacCarthy, Will.I.Am
This is the City, and this is the music. Out of the little black boxes an unending river of romance in which the crocodiles weep. Henry Miller, Black Spring With the State of TV New Jersey opening up it’s trench coat and exposing itself as the real-life Fellini movie it always was, I thought more […]
Filed under: FASHION, LOVERS, MEN, NEW YORK, WOMEN | 1 Comment
Tags: Alan Eckstein, Alex de Betak, Alexander de Betak, Anderson Cooper, Atlantic City, Atlantic City TV, babalu Miami, Baltazar, Baltazar images, Balthazar, beautiful actresses, beautiful boys with cigarettes, Black Spring, Boardwalk Atlantic City, Breathless, Bruce Sterling, BySylvere, Cap Ferrat, Carrie and Mr. Big in paris, Carrie in Paris, Cherry Hill, City of Women, Claire McCardell, claude serieux, Coffee and Cigarettes, Corinne Tapia, Cynthia Rowley, Dame Lori, Danny Estrada, david lachappelle, Debbie Huff, Dedi Salmeri, Diane von Furstenberg, Domespace, Dr. Friedrich W von Tucher, Dr. Xavier Katzone, DVF, DVF Spring 2011, Elisa Sednaoui, Ellen von Unwerth, Emmanuel Rengade, Estrada Entertainment, Fashion Week, Fashion Week New York, Fazenda Catucaba, Fellini, Fellini City of Women, Food of the gods, Francesca Salmeri, Frederic Levy, Gamble and Huff, Greg Melvin, hallucinating iron vegetation, handsome men with cigarettes, Henry Miller, jade dressler, Jean Paul Belmundo, Jean Seberg, JOhn de Lucie, John Favreau, Kristin Paladino, Leon Ware, Les Belles et Les Bad Boys, Leslie Morrison Faerstein, look, Loretta Abrams, Louis the 14th culture, Louis the 14th fashion, Luca Luca, MC Solaar, Michael Fink, mirrors African kings, Mr. Big, Musicians on Call,, Nespresso, Nespresso photography, Nespresso Soho, New Jersey 1970, New Jersey reality shows, New York magazine,, Nucky, NY Fashion designers 2011 Spring, NY Fashion Spring 2011, NYC Fashion Week, Paladino Casting, Pasha Radetski, PicinGuaba, Plant, president of Nespresso, revenge of the slow, Sarah Jessica Parker, Sasha singer, Sex and The City, Sex and The City Part Deux, sexy men with cigarettes, Slow Food, Snaporaz, Snooki, Soundwalk, Sous Les Etoiles, Spring 2011, Stephan Crasneanscki, The Frying Pan, The Garden State TV, The Lion in NYC, The Lion restaurant, Timo Weiland, Timothy Greenfield Sanders, Ulysses' Syndrome, Veronique Vencat, Waverly Inn, women, Yvan Mispelaere