Posts Tagged ‘lolita’

The ground flowed backward beneath us in a long streaked line of pale gray, (Gadzooks! Let’s Go! How we love invitations to be literary-ish and sexy.) (Note to Self: If you do indeed follow Gretel, the White Rabbit or Aslan, be sure to leave a trail of breadcrumbs…) The end of October 2011. NYC. Dear […]

Age 6. Dear Japanese drag queens in rainbow-colored, over-the-knee suede boots in the Gay Pride Day parade…I was eye-level with the top of your swagger boots, mesmerized and vowing to grow up just like you. Age 16. Dear Leigh Bowery, You will always be one of my first Harujaku lovers. Your i-D magazine covers kept my […]

Five Favorites Blogging is obsessive, egotistical, infanticidal and Oedipal.  One is ever viligante and immersed, tied to the desk like a naughty lover.  Then one day, you get the Bloggers’ Chain Letter and though faintly like the Plea from your Ugandan Uncle for Cash or the latest heaven-sent Money Angel…with this one you are forced […]