Posts Tagged ‘shaman’

PINGA.  HER FAVORITE QUOTES ABOUT HERSELF. “Always a lover’s scent that seals the deal … Small things and big things, body parts and tectonic plates, slowly grow, and grow distant. I gave everything to keep us together.” Priscilla Frank, interpreting Bjork lyrics   “In the end, it’s the combination of Her Wrath and Her Grace […]

“Wan.” says a bored Blake Gopnik. “Fun.” enthuses Kelly Crow. “Budget.” proclaims Holland Cotter. “Looks more like us than we care to admit.” politics David Weiner. “…a giant burst of happiness for the infinite creativity of America.” gushes Jerry Saltz. “Shopping in the “Ambienelle.” intones a fashionable Todd Eberle. “When will there be a Shaquille O’iennial?” quips a commenter on a […]