Posts Tagged ‘the Clairmonde Project’
The ground flowed backward beneath us in a long streaked line of pale gray, (Gadzooks! Let’s Go! How we love invitations to be literary-ish and sexy.) (Note to Self: If you do indeed follow Gretel, the White Rabbit or Aslan, be sure to leave a trail of breadcrumbs…) The end of October 2011. NYC. Dear […]
Filed under: FLOWERS, LOVERS, SCENTS | 7 Comments
Tags: 2007 Sebastiani Barbera, Aftelier perfume, Alexis Karl, Aroma M, Aslan, Ayala Moriel, Baltic Erotic Epic, bjork, Black black forest, Brown Bunny, Carrie Brownstein, celeb spotting, Cherry Bomb Killer perfume, Chloe Sevigny, Clarimonde, confessions tour, courtney love, Dawn Spencer Hurwitz, Erica Jong, french vampires, Gretel, Gstaad celebrities, Hiedi, il giorno dei Morti, Immortal Mine, Indie Perfumes, indieperfumes, it girls, jade dressler, JOhn La Farge, lolita, Lucy Raubertas, Madonna horses, Mandy Aftel, Maria McElroy, Marina Abromovitz, Matthew Barney, Monica Miller, MOnica Miller for Skye Botanicals, Ognissanti, Oud Luban, Pagan Poetry, Parfums des Beaux Arts, Portlandia, Romauld, Samhain, Sangre Eau Parfum, Summers End, Tarlesio, the Clairmonde Project, Theophile Gautier, Twilight, Twilight Breaking Dawn, Ulay, Vanessa Daou, Vincent Gallo, White Rabbit, Winery at St. George